I have been too busy reading about GMO's, our government, and the decline of the bee species in the US. I am more than outraged. My close friends and family are wondering who this woman is writing this :-) Isn't it amazing how God changes our hearts and our passions. I'm blessed to have had my eyes opened to nutrition. I was once the lady who just trusted that everything on the grocery shelves were safe. If it was fat free or low in calories even better!! I was purchasing it. It's a whole new ball game though. Knowledge is power and knowing what I know now I refuse to not share with you here on this blog or social media about what this country is eating and what our government is allowing into our food system.
You all know I am passionate about living a grain free/sugar free life but if you aren't there with me yet, that is ok (I have hope for you ;-) I am still going to challenge you to start reading labels and stop buying the GMO's and High Fructose Corn syrup. Take a few extra minutes at the store this week and read the labels. Still don't know what I'm talking about (it's ok because a year ago I had no clue what any of that meant) here is a good read about how this is effecting us globally. Here is another article that should concern every single American. The discovery of GMO wheat in Oregon a couple days ago. UGH!! Rant over.
8 am
Boys up crazy early this morning and they are done with cereal and plopped in front of the TV watching Wild Kratts. I am going to take my time sipping coffee and make an omelet. I discovered that I love jalapenos in my omelets. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I used to skip breakfast because, hey, think of all the calories I wasn't eating. How dumb. I just ate like crap the rest of the day.
We bought a big griddle and now Saturday morning breakfasts are a highlight at our house. We turn on our ipod, have dance party and cook. Tom is the master pancake maker so I secretly triple batch the protein pancakes and have them for the coming week. We cook a pound of bacon in the oven. I like to avoid the grease splatter clean up. MMM Bacon!!! These moments I treasure, my kids still think my dance moves are cool and Tom's singing is good.
12 pm
I'm having fat bombs for lunch. Yup, fat bombs. They are a great source of energy. I laugh when I eat them because back in the day I would have been appalled at consuming this much fat purposely (however I had no issues consuming it in the form of McDonalds food). But deliberately trying to increase my fat consumption, heck no!! I love this way of eating! For those of you who are not eating this way, don't fret that my cholesterol is out of control or anything like that. Here is some great info on the cholesterol lies we have all bought into. Hey, even good old Dr. Oz. talked about it on this show.
The boys are having pizza. We have this once a week. I make crusts ahead of time and freeze them. Way easier this way. I have many pizza crusts that I love. You have to try a few to see what your family prefers. Google grain free crusts. There are recipes from cauliflower, to cheese to flax and almond flour.
3 pm
I spent nap time today researching about essential oils. Very interesting stuff. A new subject that I am totally intrigued by. It's crazy how your eyes are opened to so many different things when you are searching out total health for yourself and family. I won't lie, sometimes that is just overwhelming and I have to take a step back and say, "I am already doing x.x and x. For right now where I'm at in this very moment, that is good enough". This isn't about perfection and I refuse to let health and nutrition steal my Joy :-)
I ordered some oils and I'll keep you posted on A. how the homeopathic remedies work for us and B. If I actually get my children to try them.
6 pm
Vidalia onions. Seriously I am a vidalia onion addict. If you don't love onions, you have to try these, I would bet you would change your mind! In my hometown of Baldwin a family friend sells them for Shriners Hospital. I bought 50 lbs worth. That is a lot of onions but I'm incorporating them into every meal. I am going to chop, and Food Save them next week so that I can enjoy these sweet things year round. Fried in butter is a favorite but we tried one wrapped in foil on the grill and it was super great. Tom normally doesn't like onions but he is digging these too. Many people find that eating this way changes their tastes. Foods you never used to like all of a sudden taste amazing. Your palette is cleansed and you are able to experience food differently. My friend Jenna says she feels like the rat in the movie Ratatouille. Next up, is bacon wrapped vidalias on the grill.
Speaking of bacon...
.we spent last Saturday at Snake River Farms in Becker, MN We went out to meet the farmer of our grass fed cow we are buying and the pig. What an amazing place! Bringing my kids to the farm for them to see how animals should be treated and experience what this type of farming looks like was priceless. They host this day for all of their customers. Horse rides, wagon rides, great food, rope making and I got to pick the owners daughters brain about making homemade soap. She sent me home with everything I needed. I'm excited to give it a whirl. I won't lie though, there are some things I think I'd just rather buy at the store, we will see if this is one of them. Now, chickens, I want my own chickens. You will see in the picture below I would have some great helpers. Tom, I know you are reading this!!!
Worst part of my day was having grief hit me like a ton of bricks. I was so lonesome for my Dad that I just wanted to pick up the phone and call him. So many things can just trigger these waves of sadness. Today it was watching Isaac sniff puppies in a book. My Dad had taught Jon (my oldest) to do that at that part of the story. I just wept that my Dad doesn't know my Isaac. I know they will meet in heaven some day but it didn't change the way I was feeling. My heart remains heavy and I just can't seem to shake the sadness. I know joy comes in the morning.
Best part of my day was my breakfast. That really sounds crazy. But really, I enjoyed taking my time in the kitchen alone and preparing my meal for no one but myself. I made everything just the way I wanted it. As a busy mom, I can say that I treasure the moments where I get to just take care of me. The moments are few and far between and I wouldn't change that for the world, but stopping to appreciate them makes me a better mom. Counting our blessings period makes us better people. Thank you Jesus for every single person reading this blog. Blessings to you right now, wherever your heart may be.
Thanks again for reading along.
Thanks for the interesting post! I have never done my bacon in the oven. Will try. Learned so much from the articles you linked! Disturbing. Yesterday I was talking to a teacher friend who mentioned a student who brought McDonald's breakfast to school every single morning (by special arrangement), because he couldn't take his ADHD meds on empty stomach-why are people so blind to the cause of so many of our health problems?!
ReplyDeleteOne more thing: do you use pepperoni on your pizzas? Or what do you use? my toppings have BHT BHA, we make it every week too, so want to find an alternative.
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DeleteTrader Joe's has some that is uncured and doesn't have yucky stuff in it. Not applegate but saterro. We should totally do Trader Joe trips together!!!